Dave Coates Photography
Illuminated by Winter LightIlluminated by Winter Light| Afternoon Light, WastwaterAfternoon Light, Wastwater| Anniseed ToadstoolAnniseed Toadstool| Lakeland MirrorLakeland Mirror| Winters Light, Hawnby MoorWinters Light, Hawnby Moor|

Morning Mists, UllswaterMorning Mists, Ullswater| Buttermere ReflectionsButtermere Reflections| Golden WoodlandGolden Woodland| Buttermere MorningButtermere Morning| Morning Mists,WensleydaleMorning Mists,Wensleydale|

Ullswater MorningUllswater Morning| Sunlit Trees, ButtermereSunlit Trees, Buttermere| Yewbarrow LandscapeYewbarrow Landscape| Bracket FungiBracket Fungi| First Light, UllswaterFirst Light, Ullswater|

Evening Light, SkyeEvening Light, Skye| Common PuffballCommon Puffball| Box of PencilsBox of Pencils| Dunstanburgh DawnDunstanburgh Dawn| The Lone Ash TreeThe Lone Ash Tree|

All images copyright Dave Coates 2006
" In 2003 the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) awarded me their "Masters Certificate" (MPAGB), their highest award for photographic merit. The twenty photographs shown on this gallery, which comprised my submission to the PAGB for this award, have all been accepted in International Exhibitions and the vast majority of them are also award winners at this level."
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